These experiences were recorded 5 to 13 years after stopping antidepressants. Alcohol affects the area of the brain responsible for the ‘fight or flight’ function which helps our brains respond to danger, by preparing us to either react or run away. Because alcohol is a depressant, drinking suppresses the ‘fight or flight’ response in your brain and nervous system. Keep in mind that alcohol detox is only the first step, and additional treatment—including medication and individual or group counseling—is a must if you want to maintain your sobriety.
A doctor can often diagnose alcohol withdrawal syndrome by taking a person’s medical history and doing a physical exam. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome is the group of symptoms that can develop when someone with alcohol use disorder suddenly stops drinking. Still, if you’re experiencing alcohol withdrawal, it’s essential to have your symptoms evaluated by a medical professional. Minor alcohol withdrawal symptoms typically set in about 6 hours after your last drink and may last 4 to 48 hours. While it’s true that up to 50% of people with AUD experience withdrawal symptoms, only a small portion require medical treatment.
Symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal
Blood tests and imaging tests can show if organs, such as the liver, have been affected by a person’s intake of alcohol. Too much alcohol can irritate the stomach lining, cause dehydration, and lead to an inflammatory response in the body. As the alcohol wears off, these effects lead to common hangover symptoms, such as headache, nausea, and fatigue. Alcohol use disorder or drinking heavily over an extended period can change a person’s brain chemistry due to the continued exposure to the chemicals in alcohol. This is why some people may be hesitant or afraid to quit drinking.
Medical history and laboratory biomarkers are the two most important methods for the identification of patients at high risk. If the person suffers from alcohol withdrawal symptoms, these are managed with benzodiazepines. In addition to experiencing Stage 2 symptoms, those with severe alcohol withdrawal experience severe anxiety and moderate to severe tremors. The exact timeline for alcohol withdrawal varies from person to person. It’s based on several factors, including how long, how much, and how regularly you have been drinking alcohol. The symptoms of alcohol withdrawal relate proportionately to the level of alcohol intake and the duration of the person’s recent drinking habit.
Alcohol withdrawal seizures: 24–48 hours
You’ve taken an important first step toward recovery by deciding to stop drinking. Now, try to keep in mind that even though withdrawal symptoms may be unpleasant, they’re temporary, and treatment is available during this time. Your doctor may also use a questionnaire like the Clinical Institute for Withdrawal Assessment for alcohol revised scale (CIWA-Ar) to determine the severity of your withdrawal symptoms.
There are several mild to moderate psychological and physical symptoms you might experience when you stop drinking. Call your provider or go the emergency room if you think you might be in alcohol withdrawal, especially if you were using alcohol often and recently stopped. Call for an appointment with your provider if symptoms persist after treatment. How well a person does depends on the amount of organ damage and whether the person can stop drinking completely. Alcohol withdrawal may range from a mild and uncomfortable disorder to a serious, life-threatening condition.